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This Review Reveals Minor Details About the Plot.

Support Mental Health or I'll Kill You

Assailant on IMDb

Plot Overview

Fantasy Island ExpressAfter making unilateral, bad business decisions with his and his wife's joint tour guide venture, Jason Sellers (Chad Michael Collins) got a job to “pay the bills and put a roof over our heads.” He left the little lady Zoe (Poppy Delevingne) to pick up the pieces of the bankrupt business, and he became a work­a­holic to the neglect of his help­meet. As a final bid to save their failing marriage, they're taking a Caribbean vacation where they got their start.

loversHenry (Jeff Fahey) the skipper of their hired yacht books them a table at a romantic hide­away where by chance they encounter a beach bum Michael (Casper Van Dien)—no last name—who fancies him­self a “life coach”—no details given—and who finds in Jason a reminder of him­self in his younger days. Our sup­position is he's an erst­while work­a­holic whose marriage tanked and his ex took him to the cleaners, so he's wandering incognito to stay off her radar. He deports him­self with a military bearing and is handy with tough love on any man jack's rudeness he encounters. His occupation was evidently as a martial arts instructor whose combat courtesies he retains. But with­out the gentle influence of a woman in his life, he has gone over to the dark side, and Jason and Zoe soon find them­selves on his bad side.

star burst SOSCaptain Henry assures the couple the boat trailing them belongs to local fisher­man Dean Levin, “a bit of a pain in the ass but harmless.” An earlier radio announce­ment the arriving couple heard—Henry doesn't follow the news—alerted listeners to the violent death of said Dean Levin “a well known British fish supplier” and asked for leads. The name just went over their heads at the time. There's an opening scene, how­ever, showing Michael (“He's a pro”) murdering Dean (Spencer Collings) on the beach for being a royal pain. Now he's after these two on a deserted island with no cell phone coverage.


crucifiedZoe has her work cut out for her instilling ordinary courtesies in her man. She instructs him on how he should have treated the flight attendant, and she sets the example how to treat their taxi driver. For all that, we can't expect perfection. To Jason's sarcastic remark upon hearing the news on the radio, that now they have to worry about getting murdered, she replies under her breath, “Not if I kill you first.” But that's just how people talk being under stress. We all do it to a greater or lesser degree, so we need to develop a certain thick skin rather than expect a perfect world, especially at a vacation destin­ation where people go who've gotten stressed out. The biblical preacher advises us to, (Eccl. 7:21-22) “take no heed unto all words that are spoken; lest thou hear thy servant curse thee: For often­times also thine own heart knoweth that thou thy­self like­wise hast cursed others.” Michael, how­ever, has assigned him­self the task of remedying, through violence if necessary, each and every slight he encounters along the way, a massive task per the skepticism of a Peter Marshall sermon:

I have come to the place where, watching the faces of passers-by, as I walk along the street, I wonder if anywhere in this country there is any real decency and honesty and purity walking around on two legs. (132)

Production Values

“Assailant” (2022) was written and directed by Tom Paton. It stars Poppy Delevingne, Chad Michael Collins and Casper Van Dien. Van Dien's performance excelled in a surprisingly different role than we're used to seeing him in. For their part the other actors were passable. The casting was Caribbean-diverse.

MPAA rated it R for violence and language. The story was clever and engaging with a thriller edge to it. Emotionally, it was British-reserved. Caribbean scenery was periodically panned. The plot was methodically developed. The opening scene intro­duced violence from the get-go. The back­ground music was suitably ominous. I obtained my DVD from RedBox.

Review Conclusion w/a Christian's Recommendation


applying makeupThis movie needs to be appreciated on its own terms, not by comparison with superficially similar others. A once optimistic couple is at their wits end to fix them­selves; they don't even know where to start. On their make-it or break-it holiday, they encounter three ad hoc, life coaches: Zoe's sister advises her by phone that it takes time. The laid back captain advises them that it takes effort. And a beach bum gives them an object lesson in prioritizing conflicts, to pick one's battles, don't make them all hills to die on. He shows them the psycho mentality of the latter; to him all hills are to (literally) die on. This guy's a hoot and a half! And while we want the couple to escape him, we don't want them to escape the message. Other movies have done the thriller gig before, but this one cleverly entwines it into a larger plot. I liked it, but it might elude a superficial scrutiny.

Movie Ratings

Action factor: Well done action flick. Suitability For Children: Not Suitable for Children of Any Age. Special effects: Average special effects. Video Occasion: Good Date Movie. Suspense: Don't watch this movie alone. Overall movie rating: Four stars out of five.

Works Cited

Scripture quoted from the King James Version. Pub. 1611, rev. 1769. Software.

Marshall, Catherine. Sermons and prayers of Peter Marshall. Mr. Jones, Meet the Master. Copyright 1949, 1950 by Fleming H. Revell Company. New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 37th printing. Print.